Monday, February 23, 2015


To steal from a white is not a crime … one bullet one settler … whites stole our land … whites were privileged and used us as slaves to enrich themselves…whites are dogs who do not deserve to live … I will never forgive whites for what they did … whites had the best land that they stole from us … whites must go back to where they came from … you are not African if you are not black … whites had the best of everything … whites are the scum of the earth … all white farmers are thieves … whites put us into over-crowded homelands that were nothing more than ghettos… whites locked us up by the thousands … whites killed us off like animals …whites should be grateful we allow them to live in SA or to allow them to live at all…whites still own all the riches…whites still own most of the land … whites can be called umlungu, dogs, whites, boere, boers, pigs etc. but blacks can only be called African.

South Africa is in a mess because of the whites…everything that goes wrong in the country is because of the whites…whites had the best beaches…whites had the most fertile soil…apartheid was a crime against humanity…Eugene de Kock killed blacks in the thousands…Mandela is a saint, and FW deserves recognition because he realised his mistake…the ANC won the fight for freedom. 

And so our Youth of all shades believe that white is bad and black is good.  If you happen to be of mixed race, you can call yourself black.  It is a much better skin colour to have.  White is bad.  White youth hang their heads in shame and accept with humiliation the honour of being allowed to live in SA.  Black youth have become the oppressors.   We have generations of people who have little or no education because the schools were burned, but that is also the white man’s fault.  Liberation before education!  Now we have freedom and no bread.  Now we have democracy and no work.  Now we have human rights but we can’t read our Constitution.  We have leaders who make us ashamed.  We cannot be proud of ourselves when the world laughs at our stupidity.  The oppressed have become the oppressors and that is fine because it is the white man’s turn to feel humiliated and they need to be punished.

I do not believe that separate development and the apartheid laws of keeping us apart were acceptable.  It was wrong – as wrong as the laws are in Israel/Palestine.   Both situations were based on the idea that one group of people were/are God’s chosen race.  The Jews believe they are the chosen race – the Afrikaners thought they were the chosen race.  Apartheid and the Broederbond did not only hurt and damage black South Africans, but also whites whose home language was English.  They even had to have seperate schools! Even in the army, to which all white boys were conscripted, the English boys were treated as inferior to the Afrikaners.  

Perhaps I was different to most.  I did not start fighting against Apartheid because there was discrimination against black people.  I started fighting when I was not allowed on a beach because the beach was for black people only.   How dare anyone tell me that I can or can’t go somewhere because of the colour of my skin?  How dare anyone tell me that I need a resident’s and work permit to continue to live in the land of my birth – because my skin was white and only black people could live in the Transkei?

And how dare people in our democratic and free country now write into law that I am prohibited from the job market because I am white?  How dare people categorise other human beings according to the colour of their skin??  And how could we have allowed this?

What happened to that feeling of pride we all felt in South Africa when we won the 1995 rugby world cup?  We should all hang our heads in shame because every country deserves the leader and leaders they have.  We have allowed this to happen … to our eternal shame.

For further reading – here is a little history from a German book published in 1988; from the time when we were not allowed to mix together, when only white people were given education … when it was the white man’s fault that SA was a police state, when only black people suffered!