Tuesday, April 8, 2014



Linked to acts of carnage and death
During the midnight raid
He seemed so unassuming
And to discover the truth, the country’s infamous began
The dreaded “Section Six” – Solitary Confinement
The scourge known as “Detention Without Trial”

Stripped of basic Human Rights
The interrogation never-ending
Deprived of sleep
Blindfolded, bound and tortured
The shock treatment … and the pain
Screams that would never be heard

And as days became weeks
More intense the torture … the pain
His resistance pushed to its limits
What made a man clutch so to his beliefs?
Where the end of his pride?
All in the quest of a myth … called “Freedom”

Finally, the loneliness and pain too much
Tears uncontrolled … like those of a child hurt
From the pen thrust in his hand the ink flowed
As he revealed names of comrades, friends … even family
And pages torn before his eyes
Those stained with his tears of shame

His persecutors cheered their success
As they looked down upon a once defiant martyr
One who had stood tall, had held a vision
At their merciless hands his spirit broken
His pride turned to shame
Once a Hero ... now a Traitor

And when the sun rose
To his dismay, the darkness remained
He had played his part
His final prayer … that his efforts were not in vain
That his children … and theirs one day
Would know the “Freedom” that had been his dream

And in the morning he was found
There was no escape from the burning shame
Never again could he look loved ones in their eyes
And at his grave sobbing and wailing
As the soil of Africa claimed yet another fighter
Oh the price … and how many more?
Mandela, where this “Freedom”?
Alan D Elsdon