Monday, May 11, 2015

Having a NAFI day!

Do you also have days when you are a complete NAFI – when you have No Ambition and F-all Interest?  
Do your thoughts flit from one place to another, never settling long enough to reach a conclusion?  Do you wonder what the purpose of life really is?  Do you get butterflies in your tummy that refuse to fly in formation, no matter how many commands you give them?  Do you consider your non-existence or your complete absence of consciousness?  Do you also sometimes look at what is going on in the world and wonder if there can possibly be a God that knows what He is doing?  Do you sometimes struggle to see only the good in people and to continually have a non-judgemental attitude?  Are you always grateful for the moment or realize that this moment is all we have?  Do you also think that you are just a microcosm of the big macrocosm out there and that as a grain of sand you can affect nothing; or does that also alternate with knowing that every action has a reaction and therefore the grain of sand can make a difference?   Do you think about life being just birth, procreation, suffering and death?  Do you also think that life is very messy and it is not just a choice between positive and negative, or between two opposing ideas or concepts?  Do you have days when you can fly kites under a carpet?

The only answer to all these questions is that tomorrow holds the possibility of having all the answers.  Tomorrow your spirit may fly ever higher and the energy you receive will be spent on living a day worth remembering.