Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What is politically correct for the goose, must be politically correct for the gander too!

My family with volunteer 
Let us STOP immediately from calling people by names that are derogatory.  
Kaffir is a derogatory word.  Umlungu is a derogatory word.  
Mhlophe - white.        Mnyama - black.
Umlungu – scum of the sea
Kaffir – nonbeliever/heathen
Black and white people came.
Abantu abantundu nabantu abamhlophe bazile.
Where is Umlumgu in that?

Let us stop this petty name calling that is insulting.  We must show more respect toward one another.  We are all part of the same family.  We are all born in the same land.  We are our brother's keeper.  We can rise above all the challenges we currently face,  and become one united country, working towards understanding, compassion, reconciliation by uniting in love for one another.