Friday, January 11, 2019

Indifferent Relationships

There are three kinds of relationships. Good, bad and indifferent, and the last one is the worst kind. Few people mention that their dreams at the beginning of the relationship have become a downward spiral of just surviving … just making it through the day … the week…the year. And the quiet complaint of “You don’t bring me flowers anymore” goes unanswered. He may just be too busy watching TV.
The unexpressed gets pushed further and further down and the silence becomes a sore, hot and inflamed that results in a self-loathing of ourselves because we cannot get ourselves and our needs heard. The more we keep on saying to ourselves, “It’s alright”, when it clearly is not, the more we begin to resent not only our partners but ourselves as well.
Don’t settle down for something less, something you swore would never happen. It is not the kind of world that we can settle for the kind of marriage that our parents had. The world is different and so are our needs. 

Be courageous and state your truth for often, when you state your truth, your partner can state his.