Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Very suspect Evidence in Van Rooyen trial

I am in possession of the court records of Heinrich van Rooyen, accused and found guilty of the murder of two girls in Knysna in 2005. In an affidavit used in court by Inspector Jullies - he collected evidence samples for the laboratory. How is it possible for this to have happened. On 15/11/2005 he found hair and a black elastic band at the crime scene of Victoria Stadler and then FOUR DAYS LATER, on 19/11/2005 he found a pair of panties and a pair of ladies long pants AT THE SAME crime scene? He found something so small on the 15th but missed the large items and only found them four days later?? The number of glaringly obvious mistakes in court shows that the cops and prosecutors wanted Heini to be guilty and his defense was worse than pathetic.