The most astounding book I have ever edited and published ....
A must-read non-fiction ... "I am a sex addict. I have a medically diagnosed condition. In addition to other things, I am hypersexual…in layman’s terms, a nymphomaniac, but not in the way, shape or form that people who do not actually suffer from this affliction assume. Yes, I need sex. It is like a drug, and I need it to survive, to remain sane. Yes, I take medication to curb my appetite. Yet and still, medication or not, I still have a certain need for a daily dose. This might sound silly, but it is far from a fantasy for me, it is a means to retain my logical and level-headed sensibilities. However, keeping my sanity does not mean I have to jump everyone’s bones just to be able to function. It doesn’t mean I need sex 24 hours a day to breathe (although I won’t lie. Sometimes I do feel that way) What it actually means is that I need doses of sexuality to keep my pheromone and serotonin levels acceptable for my own mental and physical survival.
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My “daily dose” can manifest itself in several ways. Need I say that sexual intercourse can be a form of release? My hypersexuality and its withdrawals are honestly very similar in ways to someone hooked on crystal meth or even heroin. It is an insatiable need, constantly begging to be fed. Yet, when you give in to temptation, it only causes the craving to be more intense after the high has worn off. Yes, I get high. I get a euphoric feeling, similar to (what I’ve been told by my doctor) slamming drugs into my veins. The more intense my sexual urge before curbing it, the shorter the high and the more often it needs to be handled. In contrast, the smaller the remedy (the less the sexual activity I get to satisfy the craving) the longer I can hold out until the next. Satisfying my craving can be as little as reading erotica. It can be touching in sexual ways, tasting someone’s body parts, sexual banter online, sending nude pictures, receiving nude pictures, holding hands with someone, and even just being spoken to in a dominating way. It all depends on the levels I have been reduced to as to the amount of sexual contact I need to get by in a day, to defer my compulsion temporarily. It is a very complicated illness that involves the mental and emotional parts of a person, as well as physically affects them. Then again, I am also a complicated hypersexuality sufferer that has been used as a guinea pig in the field, subjected to many different types of treatment. It has been concluded that the way I live my life, with its many hidden and complicated facets, is actually the best therapy for me, the best way to control my disease.
I had begun to notice this in myself, the growing urge, the insatiability, since I was fifteen years old, only a sophomore in high school, although I suspect I’ve been hypersexual since the onset of puberty. Yet I wasn’t medically diagnosed until I was in my early thirties. Of course, I kept this to myself; I mean I did have a “normal” life outside of sex. There was a daytime Jezebel and a nighttime Jezebel and they were both equally important. The two parts completed my whole self.
Writing a story including all my sexual escapades, all the emotions I have felt, and the excitement my body has been put through… could take years and tens of novels. This here is just a glimpse of my second life, the one no one knows about, the one no one could understand without being me, inside my head and body. Even this second life has many different parts that fit together.
This is a small glimpse of some of the escapades within a few months …in the life… in Jezebel’s life".
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