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Eugene, Vos and Conrad |
From here on out, Conrad was the real hero. He took my calls, he kept in touch with me and he found EdK and facilitated his first meeting with his family. This photo was taken on that day. PP was also there but from my informant, she walked around smoking and was not invited into the circle of the family. Even at this stage, Elmarie de Kock was giving me some real awful inbox messages. I could not understand where the hostility was coming from. From her point of view only PP was allowed into the family circle and I was to leave them all alone. Can you imagine if I had walked when I first started getting her vicious inbox messages. Nothing more would have been done and Conrad would not have been our hero.
Conrad Kruger wrote this to Ben on 13 May, 2015 at 1:27AM.
Beste Ben
Hier gou 'n "update" dat jy weet wat my beplanning is:
1. Die afspraak met Eugene (en Regter vd Merwe) is bevestig vir Sondag;
2. Ek sal 'n geseëlde koevert met dokumente en insluitend jou e-pos aan
Eugene oorhandig;
3. Ek sal deur Adv Jaap Cilliers uitvind oor Adv Roelof du Plessis se
"rekening". Hul sit in dieselfde gebou;
4. Ek het met Piet Croucamp gepraat oor die voertuig situasie (Hannelie het
dit aan my genoem dat Eugene blykbaar 'n voertuig gaan benodig), sy
kommentaar was dat Eugene se lisensie verval het en ook as gevolg van sy
oogoperasies dit nie nou 'n prioriteit is nie en dat hy geneem word waar hy
wil gaan.
5. Ek sal die brief van Julian Knight ook met hom bespreek, of as ek nie
alleen tyd met hom kry nie, ten minste 'n afskrif in die koevert sit.
Lekker vlieg en groetnis
Hier gou 'n "update" dat jy weet wat my beplanning is:
1. Die afspraak met Eugene (en Regter vd Merwe) is bevestig vir Sondag;
2. Ek sal 'n geseëlde koevert met dokumente en insluitend jou e-pos aan
Eugene oorhandig;
3. Ek sal deur Adv Jaap Cilliers uitvind oor Adv Roelof du Plessis se
"rekening". Hul sit in dieselfde gebou;
4. Ek het met Piet Croucamp gepraat oor die voertuig situasie (Hannelie het
dit aan my genoem dat Eugene blykbaar 'n voertuig gaan benodig), sy
kommentaar was dat Eugene se lisensie verval het en ook as gevolg van sy
oogoperasies dit nie nou 'n prioriteit is nie en dat hy geneem word waar hy
wil gaan.
5. Ek sal die brief van Julian Knight ook met hom bespreek, of as ek nie
alleen tyd met hom kry nie, ten minste 'n afskrif in die koevert sit.
Lekker vlieg en groetnis
My email to Ben on the 13 May was:
I have taken not one penny or enriched myself from my association with
this cause in any way.
The unpleasant character assassination via TM, JK, Annemarie Jansen and
Elmarie de Kock of me is totally unacceptable. (The Save Dianne Lang fund raising initiative was done without my
knowledge and I had no access to that page – I did however, every week, send a
list of donations through to Maria Bezuidenhout).
Jim Hooper paid 125 pounds into my UK account which I used to purchase
another air purifier for my room that has to be sterile if I am not to pick up
a germ. What this has got to do with Anemari Jansen is beyond me.
Apart from you, the above, Gert Fouche and the Balsak fonds - no one has
donated much other than the first month when I received a few thousand rand in
R100 donations.
Since a bone marrow transplant is no longer possible due to a failed
bone marrow and immune system, perhaps the Save Dianne Lang group should be
closed. The immune cell donor implants every 2nd week can keep me alive
another 2 years IF I do not pick up a germ. That is the latest news on my
health. (I am now officially the
longest living person on replacement IVIG)
Sure, we don't have money and all my savings have been swallowed up with
medical bills. We truly live from hand to mouth and the money that has
been given to me has made a huge difference to the quality of life. I
would not have the air purifiers, the oxygen cylinders, the wheelchair or the medication
that alleviates the worst pain if it were not for the generosity of
people. I have even been able to have a carer to help me bath, change
linen etc. three times a week. And I am deeply grateful for the
However, the very last thing I would have wanted is to be blamed for
using EdK as a way of making myself rich. I find the very suggestion
Perhaps it is time for me to bow out gracefully - I have no regrets
about fighting for Eugene. I have done all I could and I know that
I have not benefitted by one penny through this cause of EdK and his
I am deeply saddened by the character assassination of me via TM, JK,
Anemarie Jansen and Elmarie de Kock.
Always with loyalty to you Ben
With love MC xxxx
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