Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My own version of The Lord's Prayer

When we can't pray, Jesus gave us some words to use. They are but a mantra that people utter with no insight or concentration.  It is just garbled words that we spit out like a parrot.  How many of us actually concentrate on those words? 
 I remember teaching the children in my home to say the “Our Father” and one day I asked them to say it without me leading them.  This is how it went:  “Our Father, what are a lemon.  Hello, what is your name?”   Just goes to show how much that means to us today.

I have changed the words so that it has meaning to me.  Those old words are worn out and give my soul no solace and no hope for a better anything.  I share mine with you here.

Father, who is love within and around me 
You are holy beyond my understanding
Let Your kingdom of love and goodness be carried out by me
Here on earth as it is done in Your spiritual home that awaits us
Be the fulfillment of my every need and brighten my understanding
Thank You for the blessing of being free because You showed me how to forgive and to continue doing it
Teach me to know that You are always with me and lead me away from all negative thinking
Keep me from feeling separated from You and other people; keep me connected and compassionate.
For Your kingdom is within me, Your power and glory fill me, for ever and ever, Amen.