A month after a bi-lateral mastectomy |
I am very, very
angry at the medical profession. I have
been through a lumpectomy, then a partial mastectomy, then a bi-lateral
mastectomy and then more drains inserted, including the removal of a port that
flipped 180 degrees and a new one inserted between the 20 July and the 17
August – all this without appropriate pain medication.
The last time I was
this angry was when I took on the Department of Social Development for abusing
the rights of South African children.
Although I won both Supreme Court hearings, the anger made my blood boil
and I am sure that that anger was the precipitating event that led to my
leukaemia. My blood boiled until it
got sick.
The pain I have
endured has damaged my spirit and my soul.
I have been to hell and back again more than once and instead of me
feeling like I have turned the corner and am moving towards healing on a
physical level (only talking about the boob situation now), I am extremely
angry with the doctors who have attended to me. This is not because they could not help me
by controlling my pain, but because they refused to help me.
Medication does not
do the same thing for all people.
Morphine does not take away my pain, nor does it take me to cloud cuckoo
land and it certainly does not calm me in any way. I develop extreme anxiety, have
hallucinations and get paranoid.
Morphine or a derivative of the opiate is the drug of choice for all
doctors today. I have so much morphine prescribed
to me that I could start supplying the town.
I could become the new drug dealer.
The only medication
that controls my pain without doing serious damage and mischief to my mind is
pethidine. It takes away the pain and I
can function as a normal human being. But the doctors say they can’t give that to me
because I will become addicted.
Now honestly – do they
really think I am that stupid to swallow that crap. Morphine is addictive. Booze is addictive and quite frankly, I don’t
give a continental flying fuck about addiction at this stage of the game. I can deal with addiction later, if that is
what is going to happen.
I am angry that I
have had to go through so much pain that it has coloured my mind, consciousness
and spirit in screaming red where nothing else exists. And all this because the doctor’s protocol
has taken the place of common sense? Will I ever forgive them for allowing me to
suffer when there was medication to help me get through this nightmare? I hope
so because I don’t want to carry this anger with me, but it will take some time
before I trust a doctor again. If the
doctors were to have experienced even one 10th of the pain I have
endured, they would have medicated themselves.
Why do doctors not LISTEN to their patients? Why do they think they know more about the
patient’s body than the patient? The
patient lives in his own body so therefore WILL know more than the doctor? Since the Hippocratic Oath went out the
window, so too did the care of most doctors.
It is now a meat market, a business, a way to make a quick buck. Not ALL doctors, but most.
I have been
fortunate, within the last ten days, to find a kind General Practitioner, of
the old-school; one who still believes in the Hippocratic Oath, who treats me
with respect and who cares about me as a human being. The difference between this old-school doctor
and the ones who have been attending to me through this month of hell has been
made even more obvious by his kindness.
Medicine today is
big business. It is about making money
and doing the least amount of work. It
is about not caring enough to take a chance, just in case the practice
insurance premiums go up. It is not
about caring enough to even listen to the patient. I was the unlucky recipient of a surgeon
shouting at me when I told him that there was something wrong with my port,
because two days previously it showed on a portogram that the port was in
working order. In two days things can
change, but he did not see it like that.
He made me feel like a worthless piece of shit deserving of no consideration
or respect. Only when I asked him to
show the sisters how to insert an elbow needle into the port and he was unable
to do so, did he order an X-Ray. There
WAS something wrong. The port had
flipped so had to be removed and a new one put into the opposite side of my
chest. What point would there have been to say, “I
told you so”? Did he apologise? Not a chance. I just had to deal with more surgery.
The specialists I
have dealt with from the diagnosis of Hairy Cell Leukaemia to breast cancer
have, for the most part, been arrogant, did not listen to me, showed me no
respect and made me feel like I was wasting their time. It would do the world a great deal of good if
the medical profession had to learn a little humility and a little
compassion. They must also realize that
they too can become ill and become dependent on another doctor, and maybe that
doctor won’t give a shit either. Do
unto others ….
May my anger recede
as my body heals...I don’t want this anger to slow down my healing process.